Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coffee research

Yuan Zhou
Dr. Eric Leake
April 8th, 2012
            Coffee research
            According to my research of coffee advertisement, I found that the American culture is about convenient. Base on different classes, there are different kinds of advertisement, but the topics of these advertisements are about convenient. I used two different brands of coffee, Nestle Instant coffee and Blue Mountain coffee, to do my research.
            Nestle Instant coffee is not an expensive coffee and can afford by working class people. Blue Mountain coffee is aristocrat of coffee and expensive, which means the Blue Mountain is offered for the minority. We can see the advertisement of Nestle Instant coffee is very concise, and powerful. Because of education, there are differences between upper classes and working classes. Thus the inexpensive coffee advertising should be designed in some way appeal to consumers of lower status. Because the consumers of lower statues would have less education, the advertising of inexpensive coffee usually uses shorter and less complex sentences and words. However, there is not complex word in the expensive coffee advertisement, such as that of Blue Mountain coffee. The advertisement is very special.
            In the Nestle Instant coffee advertisement, there are two slogans, “On the Go” and “Push and Open”, which are very concise and powerful. These slogan would give people the first impression that the coffee is very convenient to drink during the busy day, which are also reflect the “fast and convenient” idea of the working class people. People just need to put the instant coffee in water and wait for a while, then people would have a cup of coffee. Although this kind of coffee does not have the original taste and the smell of coffee, the instant coffee still have caffeine which can keep people awake. Because usually working class people have busy schedule and have stressful work, the instant coffee is very suitable for them. It is reflect the American culture, convenient and productive.
            “Taster’s choice”, is also a slogan of the advertisement. It is very concise and clear and do not have any connection with the style and production area, which are the elements deciding whether the coffee is good or not. Moreover, there is “100% pure instant coffee” in the advertisement. These three words told people that this coffee is not tasty as the fresh brewed coffee, but works with no difference---keep people awake.
            By contrast, the upper class people, the wealthy people, who have more leisure time, are more prefer the original coffee--- fresh brewed by coffee beans, such as Blue Mountain coffee. Because they have more leisure time, they can brewed the coffee at home for a long time so that the coffee is more tasty.
            David Ogilvy’s notes that, “Don't use high-falutin words for the non-falutin audience,” which means upper class people do not like high-faultin words. Blue Mountain coffee is also famous all around the world, so Blue Mountain coffee need not to propagandize how tasty it is. Thus the Blue mountain coffee is designed very simple, and the package of coffee has good quality, in order to give people the first impression that the Blue mountain coffee is elegant. There are only the logo of the brand and some important descriptions of the coffee (what kind of coffee and the date of production) in the Blue Mountain coffee advertisement.
            For example, the iPhone, the product of, renews only once a year instead of renewing every three month like the other usual cellphone. However, the iPhone appeals more customer and makes huge profits for, because it can make people believe that the iPhone is rare and precious. The advertisement is used the negative mentality of human beings. Thus more and more people want to get it. Upper class people want to be distinguish from the working class people. The Blue Mountain coffee advertisement appropriately uses this human nature.
            Nestle Instant coffee is inexpensive and uses simple and concise advertisement. Blue Mountain coffee does not have high-faultin words and is very special that do not have any advertising. However, they are both reach the same purpose--- appealing customers, because they are advertisement are appropriate for their customers.
       Therefore, the most difference between expensive coffee advertising and inexpensive coffee advertising is marketing position. Due to different marketing position, the advertising should be appeal to their appropriate audiences.
       In conclusion, I think that it is significant to find an appropriate marketing position, because if a company found an appropriate marketing position, it would find appropriate audiences. Therefore, they can adjust their advertising by different audiences, in order to sell more products. 

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