Monday, April 30, 2012

My point of view of "Our National Eating Disorder"

    In the article, “Our National Eating Disorder”, Pollan talked about why the national eating disorder and how the national eating disorder using the causes and symptoms to illustrate his point of view.
     First, in the third paragraph, the author pointed out that the medical degree can make the national eating disordered. As long as the author pointed out the medical degree cause the disorder, he give us few examples that “But the basic pattern was fixed decades earlier: new scientific research comes along to challenge the prevailing nutritional orthodoxy; some nutrient that Americans have been happily chomping for years is suddenly found to be lethal; another nutrient is elevated to the status of health food; the industry throws its marketing weight behind it; and the American way of dietary life undergoes yet another revolution.” (1)
    Second, in the ninth paragraph, the author argued that “As a relatively new nation drawn from many different immigrant populations, each with its own culture of food, we Americans find ourselves without a strong, stable culinary tradition to guide us.” (3) As we all know, the United States is a immigration country. Because the immigrators have different kinds of food cultures, and different culture has different structure of taboos, rituals, manners and culinary traditions, etc, which can make us eating in order, America’s national eating becomes disordered.
    One part of the examples, which explain why medical degree can make the national eating disordered, is most interesting to me. I, like most people do, considered the nutrition of the food first, because having healthy food can keep me healthy. Nevertheless, because of doing like me, some people have had the food they thought healthy, which actually are lethal to themselves. It is ridiculous to some extent. As me, I am very strict to my diet habit. Because of the food traditions of China, I eat everything good (based on my mother’s words). The traditions are last for thousands of years, so they cannot be wrong!

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