Saturday, April 21, 2012

Eating at the edge~

In “Eating at the edge”, Horwitz talked about the changes in the places, the time, the ways modern people have their meal. More and more modern people do not have meal with family and friends. Instead, they would like to eat on their own. Many people have their meal on their own space and on their own time, which is not the normal mealtime. In order to prove his point of view, he used a simple example, which is about the soup. The volume of the soup many years ago is much more than today’s soup and is hold by a bowl or pot. At that time, people are get together to have the soup. In her article, "Consider soup. What was once an archetype of the com- mensal is now widely available in a variety of single-serving packages"(42). "By contrast, people are more likely to have the soup when they playing computers or doing other thing, and the size of the soup have changed to single-serving package (42).
Nowadays, People’s attitude to the food changed a lot. In the past time, the food is a bridge connecting people to people. It is kind of social communicative tool. People mostly get together have meal in the past, because they can communicate with each other and share their own experiences. However, the situation has been changed from people-to-people to people-to-computer. People are free to have meal--- they do not have regular mealtime and eat whenever they want. People are isolated. For me, I do not like the changes in people’s attitude to food, because the society would become less warm and being cold-blooded, which is not good for people to live. 
            I think that most Chinese would get together to have meal. In my short essay 3, I observed that the Chinese restaurants are having waiters or waitresses, because the customers most likely stayed and talked and ate. I would like to eat with my friends. Not only eat in the dining hall in school, but also eat outside of the campus. Because of having meal together, I would feel that I am not alone and be happy. As my example in my short essay 1, I made shrimp dumpling with my friends in Chinese Spring Festival, and we were very happy, because of the process of making shrimp dumpling. We talked, we laughed, we sang songs! The best time I spent in Denver, is the time I spent with my friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Good point about the best time being that spent with friends and family. Rarely do we remember the meals we eat along.
