Sunday, May 20, 2012

Food Advices

After reading the article, “History of Food Advice”, written by Dupuis, I found an interesting thing. Nowadays, popular food writers write many confusing food advices. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of people obey the food advices without thinking, and they just let the popular food writers changing their diet habits. They even do not have think about the food advices are reliable or scientific, and blindly follow the popular food writers. Obviously, in this article, Dupuis is opposed to follow the popular food writers. He gave an example that in the past time, we were always pursuing eating perfectly, and we failed every time. People always liked to follow the food advices, and the advices did not help, because the advices did not improve our diets.

In the opposite side, Pollan gave some eating advices in his article, “Unhappy Meals.” However, at the beginning of the article, he mentions some food advices, which were unreliable and confusing. He points out that nutritionism is not science. Instead, it is ideology. After talking about some confusing food advices, he gave us some his points of view of eating. He suggests that industrial foods and processed foods are not natural and, of course, not to eat. Instead, we should have natural food, which is higher quality than industrial foods or processed foods.

All in all, I agree with Dupuis’s point, and I always choose do not listen to what the popular food writers said. Instead, I would eat in Chinese tradition. One of the traditions is that having more vegetable than meat is healthier. 

1 comment:

  1. I think Pollan would also agree with your conclusion. One of his suggestions is that you try to follow a traditional food practice, because there is a lot of knowledge and success in traditional food practices. Chinese food culture is a perfect example.
