Friday, May 18, 2012

Healthy Breakfast

Yuan Zhou
Dr. Eric Leake
May 17th, 2012
Healthy Breakfast
            Among my writing classmates, I find that some people do not have scheduled mealtime, while some people strictly implement their meal schedule. The classmates who do not have scheduled their mealtime always miss breakfast, and they sometimes do not have a regular lunchtime or dinnertime.
Most of the people who do not have constant daily schedule do not have class before 10:00 am. Of course, the people who strictly execute their daily schedule often have class before 10:00 am. From the class time distribution, we can easily conclude that the schedule of class heavily affects the mealtime schedule.
In the article, “Harvard Men’s Health Watch”, the author mentioned that “It is important to start your day with a good break- fast, and your first meal of the day will help flip the switch back to energy storage, so it’s important to do it right”, which means that not only breakfast is important to ourselves, but also how to have breakfast is important. In the rest of the article, the author talked about breakfast can lower the risk of diseases, such as diabetes and heart diseases, if and only if people start right at breakfast in healthful way. Additionally, the people who usually do not have breakfast would have higher risk of contracting a disease. Therefore having breakfast is significant to our lives, and having right pattern of breakfast is also important. If you do not have healthful pattern of breakfast, your health were not better than those of who do not have breakfast.
           I am the one who having the healthful pattern the author talked about.
I always have breakfast in the morning at the certain time--- 9:00am. I also have lunch and dinner on time according to my timetable. I choose to eat the food with high protein in the morning--- eggs and potatoes. In order to take in vitamins, I drink orange juice every meal. According to the article, it is not important to eat vegetable in the morning. Thus, I seldom eat vegetable, because vegetable always is raw in the United States, and raw vegetable is hard to eat for me. Therefore, orange juice becomes the complement of vegetable.
           By contrast, Difei, one of my classmate, usually prefer to drink coke when he eating, which is bad for his health. He likes to eat fried food, which may causes cancer. Erratic mealtime would causes digestive system diseases, and missing breakfast is abnormal and is harmful to people, especially teenagers.

In addition, during the discuss in the class, I noticed one point that the people who have erratic daily scheduled rules often were addicted to computer games, and were likely to follow television show. Moreover, they always eat food before computer screen or television, which is very unhealthy. Because of addicting to computer games, they stay up so late that they always miss their breakfast, which is a very unhealthy habit.
           According to “Breakfast and Mental Health”, written by Andrew P. Smith, having breakfast is good for our mental health. Regular breakfast eaters were significantly less stressed, less depressed than the people who have irregular breakfast. Furthermore, breakfast even can affect health-related behaviors, such as smoking. Regular breakfast eaters were less likely to smoke than the people who usually do not have breakfast.  
           All in all, breakfast is significant to our lives. It is not exaggerated to say breakfast equals healthy lives. In order to have healthy minds and bodies, we should have breakfast and keep our diets healthy.

Work Cited
"Breakfast and Your Health." Harvard men's health watch 9.7 (2005): 1. Print.
Smith, A. P. "Breakfast and Mental Health." International journal of food        
      sciences and nutrition
49.5 (1998): 397-402. Print.

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